
University qualifications


1985 to 1988
Spanish Studies and English Language and Literature at the Free University Berlin


1990 to 1992
Training as a technical translator in Spanish. Qualification: Authorised translator for business


1992 to 1996
Studies in Translation Theory and Practice at the Humboldt University Berlin
Qualification: Graduate Translator for Spanish and English
Professional training and qualifications; professional training and additional qualifications


Generally sworn interpreter to the Berlin courts and notaries, since then freelance translator and interpreter


Membership since 1996
Member of the translators’ and interpreters’ association “Bundesverbandes der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer” (BDÜ)


Publication May 1997
Juristisches Übersetzen Spanisch-Deutsch- Immobilienkaufverträge (Legal translations of property purchase agreements Spanish-German), Forum für Fachsprachen, Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen